The Sacred Life of Plants


The exhibition The Sacred Life of Plants explores the different relationships between plants and people, focusing on cultural rituals and spiritual connections.

Nieuw-West is the greenest district of Amsterdam. Urban planners Cornelis van Eesteren and Jakoba Mulder found green spaces of importance for the mental and physical well-being of the residents. These ideas, which ensured that no one lived more than ten minutes' walk from a park or garden, highlighted nature's functional benefits for health and happiness. But with the changing demographics of Nieuw-West since the 1970s, the relationship between residents and plants has changed over the past decades. What more do plants, flowers and trees mean to the current residents of Nieuw-West other than functional and graceful?

The Sacred Life of Plants shows the stories of local residents and their special relationship with plants. What do trees, plants and flowers mean to them? What can we learn from different religions, spiritual practices and cultural traditions in relation to dealing with plants? How can personal stories influence our understanding and care for plants?

The exhibition delves into the deep-rooted connections between people and the natural world, and explores the ways in which plants are nurtured, honored and take an active role in daily life. The stories teach us to establish relationships with the natural world that transcend aesthetics and utility. These unions create symbols of resilience, tools for healing and build bridges between people and communities.

30 Jan
9 Mar
Supported by
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